Level 8 Lesson 11 – Behind the Chat

Determinate actionable steps to take when confronted with uncomfortable situations online.
Level 8 Lesson 12 – E-Positive

Reverse common headlines about negative aspects of being online and focus on the benefits.
Level 8 Lesson 09 – Gamblification

Evaluate the risks and protective factors to avoid the harms of gambling when playing games online.
Level 8 Lesson 10 – Phones Away?

Consider different scenarios and whether filming may be harmful or harmless.
Level 8 Lesson 08 – Handling Digital Distress

Identify strategies to help reduce the harmful implications of stress responses.
Level 8 Lesson 06 – Ethical AI

Evaluate uses of Artificial Intelligence and consider ways it can be used appropriately in education.
Level 8 Lesson 07 – Pass It On?

Consider the consequences of sharing graphic and harmful content on a person’s health and wellbeing.
Level 8 Lesson 04 – I Got Hacked

Understand what malware is and how to prevent devices being infected by malware.
Level 8 Lesson 05 – Detect the Fake

Consider deepfake technology and explore ways to identify real or false media.
Level 8 Lesson 02 – Save Your Data, Save Your Day!

Explore the importance of backing up data and evaluate methods used for backup and recovery.